Welcome To Our
Psychotherapy Center

Your Journey Has Already Begun.

ptsd therapy richmond hill

Come As You Are. We’ll Guide You At Every Step.

Joined By A United Philosophy, Our Team Of Psychotherapists Offer Experiential And Neurobiologically-Based Therapy Methods To Help You Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Trauma And Stress.

It’s Your Time To Heal…

Our Experienced And Trauma-Informed Therapists Are Committed To Paving New Pathways Towards Bettering Your Mental Health.


Our Psychotherapy Services

For the mind CAN self-heal, if we just get out of its way.

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Because our brain changes by feeling and doing, NOT talking in circles.

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“Because trauma is a fact of life, NOT a life sentence.”

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Because “the body keeps the score” and you CAN restore calm in your nervous system.

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Our Expertise

  • Anxiety & Phobias

  • Depression & Numbness

  • Trauma, Complex PTSD & Dissociation

  • Childhood Trauma

  • Relationship Issues & Attachment Work

  • OCD & Addictive Behaviors

  • And Much More…

Change Your Brain. Change Your Life.

Because Stress Affects The Body, The Mind & The Brain.


Our Neurofeedback Services

Brain Health Matters To Us.

Your Brain Has Limitless Potential To Change, Rewire, Grow & Heal. We Use An All-Natural Cutting-Edge Technology To Help You Retrain Your Nervous System Towards Optimal Balance & Mental Health Wellness!

Learn More About Our Neurofeedback Technology.

What Is Neurofeedback Therapy?

How To Get Started With Neurofeedback?

Therapy Resources & Articles…

Discover how you can tap into your reptilian brain and neutralize stuck emotions that get repeatedly activated by the amygdala.

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Reset. Restore. And retrain your nervous system at home. Use technology to improve your physiology and psychology.

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Stressful events overwhelm and disrupt the brain’s integration capacity leading to anxiety, depression and dissociation. Trauma is what happens inside of us…

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Separate. Distance. Deny. A genius mechanism to cope with traumatic memories and overwhelm.

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What is the true cost of the “mini” hurtful moments? Attachment trauma is like a million papercuts that scar the blueprint of the mind and the body.

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We’ve collected all the books that inspire our approach and philosophy in one place. Learn, Grow, Be Inspired!

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